Quality Policy
Environmental Policy
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Human Resources Policy
Personel Data Protection
Social Responsibility Policy
Bribery and Corruption Policy
Sustainable Supply Chain Policy
Business Ethics and Human Rights Policy
Sustainability and Climate Change Policy
Energy Policy
Code of Conduct
Quality Policy
As Epsan Plastik we undertake that;
- We shall inspire strategy-bound corporate management and leadership to all our employees,
- We shall support personal improvement of our employees with continuous training and increase their productivities and motivations,
- We shall ensure follow up of all processes by measurable value management and developing self-evaluation-based strategies in achieving strategic targets,
- By adopting process and continuous improvement approach in our management system with risk-based thinking; we shall ensure and increase sustainability of our productivity, efficiency of our system, our market share, our profitability and competition power,
- We shall comply with applicable primary and secondary legislation conditions,
- We shall perform studies to develop quality awareness of our suppliers,
- We shall meet the needs and expectations of relevant parties in compliance with the conditions of quality management system,
- We shall offer innovative solutions to engineering plastic world with products and techniques we develop,
- We shall exist and maintain in international markets to increase customer satisfaction by improving our innovation and agility skills.
Environmental Policy
As Epsan Plastik we undertake that;
- We shall not harm the ecological balance and ensure avoiding pollution with all our activities,
- We shall consider environmental impacts in new product and product development studies,
- We shall conduct studies to raise environmental consciousness of relevant parties,
- We shall provide minimizing wastes at the resource and reusing and recycling them whenever possible and destroying non-recovered wastes by appropriate methods,
- We shall provide using energy, raw materials and natural resources efficiently,
- We shall comply with our legal obligations, applicable environmental legislations and conditions of the associations we are a member of,
- While offering innovative solutions for our customers’ needs in international markets, we shall consider their impacts on the environment,
- We shall suit all our processes to environmental management system with a risk-based mindset by adopting continuous improvement approach.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
As Epsan, we see people as the most valuable assets in all our operations. Therefore, we continuously improve our organization with the goal of creating employee awareness on occupational health and safety, and act in accordance with below principles;
- To provide a safer, healthier and more ergonomic working environment, and to adopt minimization of all kinds of potential losses as the prior business target,
- To ensure compliance with the legal obligations within the frame of occupational health and safety, relevant national and international standards, and requirements of membered organizations,
- To improve, review and ensure monitoring of our occupational health and safety performance by setting measurable and feasible targets,
- To facilitate consulting and participation of all employees and employee representatives in the activities of creation and development of occupational health and safety awareness,
- To allocate resources for the activities related to occupational health and safety,
- To provide and ensure use of the personal protective equipment that should be used in the working environment,
- To conduct risk analysis studies and eliminate the detected hazards, and to ensure taking the necessary precautions for minimizing OHS-related risks by adopting zero occupational accident and zero occupational disease target,
- To make the required plans for the potential emergencies (fire, earthquake, flood, chemical spill etc.), and to take proactive measures,
- To conduct the required communication activities for understanding the needs and expectations of our employees and relevant parties on OHS,
- To ensure that all our employees, suppliers, interns and visitors adhere to the OHS rules,
- To adopt continuous improvement approach, and to ensure that all our processes are in line with the Occupational Health and Safety management system with a risk-based mindset.
Human Resources Policy
We believe that human resources are our greatest power to achieve our strategic targets and, manage the growth under the ever-changing competition conditions. We believe that PEACE AT WORK created by respect, understanding, and environment of trust in the working life relationships affects the loyalty and professional success of our employees and, make great efforts to maintain it.
We aim to employ such human resources that are open to innovations and changes and, that are dynamic aiming to continuously improve themselves and, respecting ethical values, and we are committed to keeping the satisfaction and motivation of our employees at the highest levels through the Human Resources Management Processes.
With the awareness of social responsibility and, without making any discrimination of religion, language, race, gender, civil status, physical disability, region etc., during the selection of human resources needed by our group companies;
- We Recruit people among those who have such knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of the respective position,
- Have a great potential for improvement,
- Adopt and sustain the values of our company and, attach importance to ethical values,
- And are above 18 as per the Regulations on Heavy and Dangerous Works, considering the principle of equal opportunities.
In accordance with the globalization vision of our company that is continuously growing and improving, we give priority to our internal resources, i.e. existing employees in order to meet the requirements for human sources in vacant locations and positions.
We carry out an efficient Career Management through changes of positions vertically and horizontally due to training and competence management systems that are intended to increase the personal and professional competencies of our employees.
Personel Data Protection
- Section
- Introduction
Protection of personal data is among the most important precedences of Epsan Plastik San. Tic. A.Ş. (“Epsan” or “Company”) and it decisively strives to comply with all the legislation in force in this regard. Within the framework of this Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy of Epsan Plastik Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (“Policy”), the principles adopted in the conduct of personal data processing activities carried out by our Company and the basic principles adopted in terms of the compliance of our Company’s data processing activities with the regulations contained in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law”) are explained, and thus, our Company ensures the necessary transparency by informing the data subjects. Being fully aware of our responsibility in this context, your personal data is processed and protected within the scope of this Policy.
- Scope
This Policy applies to all personal data of persons other than the employees of our Company, which are processed by completely or partially automated or non-automated ways provided that they are part of any data recording system. Detailed information about said data subjects can be accessed from the document ANNEX 2 (“ANNEX 2- Data Subjects”) to this Policy.
The activities carried out by Epsan regarding the protection of the personal data of our employees are managed under Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy for Epsan Plastik Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Şirketi Employees, which is written in parallel with the principles in this Policy.
Details of the personal data processing activities carried out by our company for Epsan employee candidates or Epsan employees, can be accessed respectively from the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy for Epsan Plastik San. Tic. A.Ş. Employee Candidates and the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy for Epsan Plastik San. Tic. A.Ş. Employees at http://epsan.com.tr/kvkk/.
- Implementation of the Policy and Relevant Legislation
The relevant legal regulations in force regarding the processing and protection of personal data shall be implemented. If there is incompatibility between the legislation in force and the Policy, our Company agrees that the legislation in force shall be implemented. The policy regulates the rules set forth by the relevant legislation by materializing them within the scope of Company practices.
- Definitions and Abbreviations
Explicit Consent | Consent to a specific subject, based on information and expressed in free will. |
Anonymization | Rendering personal data impossible to link with an identified or identifiable natural person, even through matching them with other data. |
Employee(s) | Epsan Employees |
Employee PDP Policy | “Employees Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy”, in which the principles regarding the protection and processing of the personal data of Epsan employees are regulated. |
Personal Health Data | All kinds of information about the physical and mental health of an identified or identifiable natural person and information about the health service provided for the person. |
Personal Data | Any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. |
Data Subject | Natural person whose personal data is processed. For example; customers and employees. |
Processing of Personal Data
Means any transaction performed on data such as obtaining , recording, storing, maintaining, modifying, reorganization, disclosure, transferring, acquisition, bringing into be obtained, classification or preventing use of personal data by completely or partially automated or non-automated ways provided that they are part of any data recording system |
PDP Law | Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data dated March 24, 2016 and published in Official Gazette No. 29677 of April 7, 2016. |
PDP Board: | Personal Data Protection Board. |
PDP Authority: | Personal Data Protection Authority |
Special Categories of Personal Data
Data related to race, ethnicity, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and clothing, association, foundation or trade union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and the biometric and genetic data. |
Epsan / Company | Epsan Plastik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi |
In accordance with the Regulation on the Deletion, Destruction and Anonymization of Personal Data, the “Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy of Epsan”, which is the basis for determining the maximum period required by Epsan for the purpose for which personal data are processed, as well as for deletion, destruction and anonymization.
EPSAN PDP Policy |
Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy of Epsan Plastik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi.
Suppliers | Parties providing goods and services to Epsan on a contractual basis |
Data Controller Application Form | The application form that data subjects will benefit from when using their applications regarding their rights under Article 11 of the PDP Law. |
Employee PDP Policy | Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy For Epsan Plastik San. Tic A.S. Employees |
Constitution of the Republic of Turkey |
The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey No. 2709 dated November 7, 1982, published in the Official Gazette No. 17863 of November 9, 1982.
Turkish Penal Code
Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 dated September 26, 2004 and published in Official Gazette No. 25611 of October 12, 2004.
Data Processor | The natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller upon his/her authorization. |
Data Controller | The person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and manages the place of storage of data in a systematic manner. |
Registry of Data Controller | Registry of Data Controller, which is kept under the supervision of the Personal Data Protection Authority under the supervision of the PDP Board and is open to the public. |
Communiqué on the Principles and Procedures of Application to the Data Controller |
Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller, which was published in the Official Gazette No. 30356 of March 10, 2018 and entered into force.
- Policy Validity and Current Version
The date of publication and update of the policy is on the first page. You can access the latest version at http://www.epsan.com.tr.
- Ensuring the Security of Personal Data
In accordance with Article 12 of the Law, our Company takes the necessary measures according to the nature of the data to be protected in order to prevent the unlawful disclosure, access, transfer or security deficiencies that may occur in other ways. In this context, our Company takes administrative measures, carries out audits or has audits carried out to ensure the necessary level of security in accordance with the guidelines published by the PDP Board.
- Protection of Special Categories of Personal Data
The law attributes special importance to a number of personal data due to the risk of causing victimization or discrimination of individuals when processed unlawfully. These are; data related to race, ethnicity, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and clothing, association, foundation or trade union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction and security measures, and the biometric and genetic data.
Epsan acts responsibly in the protection of special categories of personal data, which is determined as “in special categories” by PDP Law and processed lawfully. In this context, the technical and administrative measures taken by Epsan for the protection of personal data are carefully applied in terms of special categories of personal data and necessary audits are carried out within Epsan.
Detailed information on the processing of special categories of personal data is provided in section 3.3 (“Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data”) of this Policy. .
- Increasing The Awareness of Business Units on The Protection and Processing of Personal Data and Auditing
Epsan provides the necessary trainings for business units to raise awareness to prevent unlawful processing of personal data, unlawful access to personal data and to ensure the retention of data.
In order for Epsan employees to be aware of the protection of personal data, the necessary systems are being established and consultants are being worked with if needed regarding this issue. In this direction, our Company evaluates the participation in the relevant trainings, seminars and information sessions and updates and renews the trainings in parallel with the updates in the relevant legislation.
- Processing of Personal Data in Accordance with the Principles Stipulated in the Legislation
3.1.1. Processing In Accordance With the Law and With Good Faith
Epsan acts in accordance with the principles introduced by legal regulations and with good faith in the processing of personal data. Within this framework, personal data is processed to the extent required by Epsan’s business activities and limited thereto.
3.1.2. Ensuring That Personal Data Is Accurate and Up to Date When Necessary
Epsan takes the necessary measures to ensure that the personal data is accurate and up to date during the processing period and establishes the necessary mechanisms for certain periods to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the personal data.
3.1.3. Processing For Specific, Explicit and Legitimate Purposes
Epsan clearly reveals the purposes of processing personal data and processes them within the scope of the purposes related to these activities in line with its business activities.
3.1.4. Being Relevant with, Limited to and Proportionate to the Purposes For Which They Are Processed
Epsan collects personal data only in the nature and to the extent required by its business activities and processes it limited to the determined purposes.
3.1.5. Retaining For the Period Stipulated by Relevant Legislation or the Purpose for Which They Are Processed
Epsan keeps personal data for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed and for the minimum period stipulated in the legal legislation to which the relevant activity is subject. In this context, Epsan first confirms whether a period of time is foreseen for the storage of personal data in the relevant legislation and if a period is determined acts in accordance with this period. If there is no legal period, personal data are stored for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed. Personal data are destroyed at the end of the specified storage periods in accordance with the periodic destruction periods or the application of the data subject and with the determined destruction methods (deletion and/or destruction and/or anonymization).
3.2. Conditions For Processing Personal Data
Except for the explicit consent of the data subject, the basis of the personal data processing activity may be only one of the conditions specified below as well as more than one condition may be the basis of the same personal data processing activity. If the processed data is special category data, the conditions in title 3.3 (“Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data”) of this Policy shall apply.
One of the conditions for processing personal data is the explicit consent of the data subject. The explicit consent of the data subject should be declared related to a particular subject, on the basis of information and with free will.
In the presence of the following personal data processing conditions, personal data may be processed without the explicit consent of the data subject.
- Explicit Stipulation in Law
If the personal data of the data subject is explicitly stipulated in the law, in other words, if there is an explicit provision in the relevant law regarding the processing of personal data, the existence of this data processing condition may be in question.
- Failure to Obtain Explicit Consent of the Person Concerned Due to Physical Disability
The personal data of the data subject may be processed if it is mandatory to process the personal data of the person for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person himself or of any other person, who is unable to express his/her consent due to physical disability or legal validity cannot granted for his/her consent.
iii. Directly Related to the Establishment or Performance of the Agreement
Provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of an agreement to which the data subject is a party, this condition may be deemed to have been fulfilled if the processing of personal data is necessary.
- Fulfilling the Company’s Legal Obligation
The personal data of the data subject may be processed if processing is mandatory in order for our company to fulfill its legal obligations.
- Data Subject’s Making His / Her Personal Data Public
If the data subject has made his/her personal data public, the relevant personal data may be processed for the purpose of making it public.
- Data Processing Is Mandatory For the Establishment, Exercise or Protection of a Right
If data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right, the personal data of the data subject may be processed.
vii. Data Processing is Mandatory for the Legitimate Interest of our Company
The personal data of the data subject may be processed if it is mandatory for the legitimate interests of our Company to process data, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.
3.3. Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data
Special categories of personal data are processed by our Company in accordance with the principles set forth in this Policy and by taking all necessary administrative and technical measures, including the methods to be determined by the PDP Board, and in the presence of the following conditions:
(i) Special categories of personal data except for health and sexual life, may be processed without seeking the explicit consent of the data subject if it is explicitly stipulated in the laws, in other words, if there is an explicit provision regarding the processing of personal data in the law to which the relevant activity is subject. Otherwise, the explicit consent of the data subject will be obtained in order to process the special categories of personal data.
(ii) Special categories of personal data concerning health and sexual life, may be processed, without seeking explicit consent, by the persons subject to secrecy obligation or competent public institutions and organizations, for the purposes of protection of public health, operation of preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and nursing services, planning and management of health-care services as well as their financing. Otherwise, the explicit consent of the data subject will be obtained in order to process the special categories of personal data.
3.4. Clarification of the Data Subject
Epsan makes clarifications to the data subjects in accordance with the article 10 of the PDP Law and the secondary legislation. In this context, as the data controller, Epsan informs the relevant persons about by whom, for what purposes the personal data is processed, for what purposes it is shared with whom, by what methods it is collected and legal reasons regarding thereof and the rights of the data subjects within the scope of the processing of their personal data.
3.5. Transfer of Personal Data
Our Company may transfer the personal data and special categories of personal data of the personal data subject to third parties (third party companies, official and private authorities, third real persons) by taking the necessary security measures in line with the personal data processing purposes in accordance with the law. Accordingly, our Company acts in accordance with the regulations stipulated in Article 8 of the PDP. Detailed information on this subject can be found in the document ANNEX 4 (“ANNEX 4- Third Parties to whom Personal Data is Transferred by our Company and the Purposes of Transfer”) to this Policy.
3.5.1 Transfer of Personal Data
Even if there is no explicit consent of the data subject, if one or more of the following conditions exist, the personal data may be transferred to third parties by taking the necessary care by our Company and taking all necessary security measures including the methods stipulated by the Board.
- The relevant activities related to the transfer of personal data are explicitly stipulated in the laws,
- The transfer of personal data by the Company is directly related to the establishment or performance of an agreement and is necessary,
- It is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which our Company is subject
- It is transferred by our Company in a limited manner for the purpose of making it public, provided that the personal data is made public by the data subject,
- The transfer of personal data by the Company is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of the rights of the Company or the data subject or third parties,
- The transfer of personal data is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Company provided that the personal data does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject,
- When it is inevitable to protect the life or bodily integrity of a person or someone else who is unable to give consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is legally not valid.
In addition to the above, personal data may be transferred to foreign countries declared to have adequate protection by the PDP Board in the presence of any of the above conditions. In the absence of adequate protection, in line with the data transfer conditions stipulated in the legislation, it may be transferred to foreign countries where the data controllers in Turkey and the relevant foreign country have undertaken an adequate protection in writing and where the PDP Board has permission.
3.5.2 Transfer of Special Categories of Personal Data
Special categories of personal data may be transferred by our Company in accordance with the principles set forth in this Policy and by taking all necessary administrative and technical measures, including the methods to be determined by the Board, and in the presence of the following conditions:
(i) Special categories of personal data except for health and sexual life, may be transferred without seeking the explicit consent of the data subject if it is explicitly stipulated in the laws, in other words, if there is an explicit provision regarding the processing of personal data in the relevant law. Otherwise, explicit consent of the data subject will be obtained.
(ii) Special categories of personal data concerning health and sexual life, may be transferred, without seeking explicit consent, by the persons subject to secrecy obligation or competent public institutions and organizations, for the purposes of protection of public health, operation of preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and nursing services, planning and management of health-care services as well as their financing. Otherwise, explicit consent of the data subject will be obtained.
In addition to the above, personal data may be transferred to foreign countries declared to have adequate protection by the PDP Board in the presence of any of the above conditions. In case there is no adequate protection, it may be transferred to foreign countries where the Data Controller Undertaking Adequate Protection and the PDP Board have permission in line with the data transfer conditions stipulated in the legislation.
In accordance with Article 10 of the Law and secondary legislation, the relevant persons are informed and personal data are processed in accordance with the general principles specified in the Law, especially the principles specified in Article 4 of the Law on the processing of personal data, based on and limited to at least one of the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law, in line with the personal data processing purposes of our Company. Within the framework of the purposes and conditions specified in this Policy, detailed information about the categories of processed personal data and categories will be available in the document of ANNEX 3 (“ANNEX 3- Personal Data Categories”) to the Policy.
Detailed information on the purposes of processing said personal data is included in ANNEX 1 (“ANNEX 1- Purposes of Processing Personal Data”) to the Policy.
Epsan keeps personal data for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed and for the minimum period stipulated in the legal legislation to which the relevant activity is subject. In this context, our Company first confirms whether a period of time is foreseen for the storage of personal data in the relevant legislation and if a period is determined acts in accordance with this period. If there is no legal period, personal data are stored for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed. Personal data are destroyed at the end of the specified storage periods in accordance with the periodic destruction periods or the application of the data subject and with the determined destruction methods (deletion and/or destruction and/or anonymization).
6.1. Data Subject’s Rights
Personal data subjects have the following rights:
(1) To learn whether the personal data are processed or not,
(2) To request information if the personal data are processed,
(3) To learn the purpose of the data processing and whether this data is used for intended purposes,
(4) To know the third parties to whom his/her personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
(5) To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request the notification of the transaction made within this scope to third persons to whom the personal data are transferred,
(6) To request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring their processing are eliminated, and to request the notification of the transaction made within this scope to third persons to whom the personal data are transferred, although it was processed in accordance with the provisions of Law and other relevant laws,
(7) To object to the processing of his/her personal data, exclusively by automatic means, which leads to an unfavorable consequence for the person himself/herself,
(8) To request compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful processing of the personal data.
6.2. Data Subject’s Exercise of His/Her Rights
Data subjects will be able to submit their requests regarding their rights listed in section 6.1 (“Data Subject’s Rights”) to our Company through the methods determined by the PDP Board. In this direction, they can use the “Epsan Data Subject Application Form” which can be accessed at https://www.epsan.com.tr/…KVK-Basvuru-Formu.pdf.
6.3. Our Company’s Response to Applications
Our Company takes the necessary administrative and technical measures to finalize the applications to be made by the data subject in accordance with the PDP Law and secondary legislation.
In the event that the data subject duly submits his/her request regarding the rights specified in section 6.1 (“Data Subject’s Rights”) to our Company, our Company will finalize the relevant request free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest according to the nature of the request. But if the transaction necessitate a separate cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Board may be charged.
7.1. Personal Data Processing Activities Carried Out When Entering the Building, Facility and Within the Building, Facility as well as Website Visitors
In order to ensure security by Epsan, personal data processing activities are carried out in Epsan buildings and facilities with security cameras for monitoring guest entrances and exits.
7.2. Camera Monitoring Activities Carried Out at the Entrances and Within Epsan Buildings, Facilities
In order to ensure security in its buildings and facilities, Epsan carries out camera monitoring activities in accordance with the Law on Private Security Services and related legislation. In order to ensure security in its buildings and facilities, Epsan carries out security camera monitoring activities in accordance with the personal data processing conditions listed in the PDP Law for the purposes stipulated in the relevant legislation in force.
In accordance with Article 10 of the Law, Epsan makes clarification for the data subject with more than one method related to camera monitoring activities. In addition, in accordance with Article 4 of the PDP Law, Epsan processes personal data in a limited and measured manner in connection with the purpose for which they are processed.
The purpose of maintaining the video camera monitoring activity by Epsan is limited to the purposes listed in this Policy. In this direction, the monitoring areas and the number of the security cameras, and the period of monitoring is implemented adequately and to a limited extent in order to achieve the purpose of security. Monitoring is not carried out in areas that may result in interference (e.g. toilets) in a way that violate the privacy of the person or outside the security purposes.
Only a limited number of Epsan employees have access to live camera footage and recorded and stored in digital environment. A limited number of people who have access to the records declare that they will protect the confidentiality of the data they access with an undertaking of confidentiality.
7.3. Follow-up Carried Out at the Entrances and Within Epsan Buildings, Facilities
Epsan carries out personal data processing activities for the purpose of ensuring security and monitoring guest entrances and exits in Epsan buildings and facilities for the purposes specified in this Policy.
The data subjects in question are clarified in this context when obtaining the names and surnames of the persons who visit Epsan buildings as guests or through the texts posted within Epsan or otherwise made available to the guests. Data obtained for the purpose of guest entrance-exit follow-up are processed only for this purpose and the relevant personal data are recorded in data recording system in physical environment.
ANNEX 1 – Purposes of Personal Data Processing
MAIN PURPOSES (Primary) | SUB-PURPOSES (Secondary) |
Planning and Execution of the Company’s Human Resources Policies and Processes
Execution of Personnel Procurement Processes
Employee Request and Complaint Management | |
Planning of analysis and improvement activities for wage management | |
Planning and supporting the processes of providing fringe benefits of the employees
Supporting the planning activities of wage management of its employees | |
Planning and managing processes to increase the satisfaction and loyalty of employees | |
Planning and/or Execution of Intern and/or Student Supply, Placement and Operation Processes | |
Carrying out the Necessary Works by Our Related Business Units for Performing the Commercial Activities of the Company and Executing the Related Business Processes
Event Management |
Planning and Execution of Corporate Communication Activities | |
Planning, Supervision and Execution of Information Security Processes | |
Establishment and Management of Information Technology Infrastructure | |
Follow-up of Financial and/or Accounting Affairs | |
Planning and Execution of Corporate Sustainability Activities | |
Planning and/or Execution of Activities to Perform Effectiveness/Efficiency and/or Appropriateness Analyses of Business Activities | |
Planning and Execution of Corporate Management Activities | |
Planning and Execution of the Company’s Commercial and/or Business Strategies
Management of Relationships with Partners and/or Suppliers
Execution of Strategic Planning Activities
Ensuring the legal, technical and commercial-occupational safety of the Company and the relevant persons in business relations with the Company,
Follow-up of Legal Affairs |
Creation and Follow-up of Visitor Records | |
Planning and Execution of the Operational Activities Necessary to Ensure that the Company’s Activities are Carried Out in Accordance with the Company’s Procedures and/or Relevant Legislation | |
Ensuring the Security of Company’s Fixtures and/or Resources | |
Ensuring the Security of Company Operations | |
Providing Information to Authorized Organizations As Per Legislation | |
Execution of Transactions Regarding Company and Corporations Law | |
Ensuring Data is Accurate and Up to Date | |
Ensuring the Security of Company’s Buildings and/or Facilities | |
Planning and Execution of Company Audit Activities |
ANNEX 2 – Data Subjects
Data Subject Category | Description |
Customer Employee |
Regardless of whether they have any contractual relationship with Epsan, natural persons whose personal data are obtained through the Company’s business relations within the scope of the operations carried out by Epsan’s business units
Visitor |
Natural persons who have entered the physical campuses owned by the company for various purposes or who have visited our websites
Employee Candidate |
Natural persons who have applied for a job to Epsan or who have opened their resume and related information to Epsan’s review in any way
Employee(s) |
Epsan employees whose personal data are processed within the framework of activities carried out by Epsan, activities such as employee satisfaction, human resources, audit, provision of information technology security and infrastructure, legal compliance, etc.
Family Members and Relatives | Spouses, children and relatives of data subjects whose personal data are processed within the scope of this Policy within the framework of the activities carried out by Epsan |
Third Party | Other natural persons who are not covered by this Policy and Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy for Epsan Employees (e.g. guarantor, accompanying person, former employees) |
Supplier Employee | Natural persons who are employees, officials or shareholders of the party providing services to Epsan on a contractual basis in accordance with Epsan’s orders and instructions while carrying out Epsan’s business activities |
Shareholders of the Company | Natural persons who are Epsan shareholders |
Company Official | Epsan’s board member and other authorized natural persons |
Employees, Shareholders and Officials of the Institutions We Cooperate with | Natural persons, working in the institutions with which Epsan has any kind of business relationship (including but not limited to business partners, suppliers), including the shareholders and officials of these institutions |
ANNEX 3 – Categories of Personal Data
Identification Information | Data containing information about the identity of the person such as name-surname, T.R. identity number, nationality information, place of birth, date of birth, gender, workplace information, registration number, tax number, title, biography, information and documents such as driver’s license, professional identity, identity card and passport |
Contact Details | Telephone number, address, e-mail address, fax number, etc. |
Transaction Security Information | Your personal data (e.g. logs, IP information, authentication information) processed to ensure our technical, administrative, legal and commercial security during the execution of our activities |
Transaction Information | Within the framework of the activities carried out by Epsan, data such as survey information, declaration information, shopping information, call center records, membership information, cookie records related to the services provided or processed in order to protect the legal and other interests of the Company and the data subject |
Information on Family Members and Relatives | Within the framework of the activities carried out by Epsan, information about family members (e.g. information about spouse, mother, father, child), relatives of data subject and other persons who can be reached in case of emergency related to the services provided or in order to protect the legal and other interests of the Company and the data subject |
Security Information of Physical Space | Personal data related to the records and documents taken at the entrance to the physical space and during the stay in the physical space; camera records, vehicle information records and records taken at the security point, etc. |
Financial Information | Personal data processed in relation to information, documents and records showing all kinds of financial results created according to the type of legal relationship established by Epsan with the data subject and data such as bank account number, IBAN number, income information, debit/credit information |
Visual/Audio Information
Photographic and camera recordings (except for recordings included in the scope of Security Information of) and audio recordings |
Corporate Memory Information | Information such as memoirs, interviews, etc. processed within the scope of the activities carried out by Epsan in order to create Epsan’s corporate memory |
Special Categories of Personal Data
Data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, membership of associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric and genetic data of the persons |
Legal Proceedings and Compliance Information
Personal data processed within the scope of the determination and follow-up of our legal receivables and rights, the performance of our debts and compliance with our legal obligations and the policies of our Company |
Audit and Inspection Information | Personal data processed in connection with the execution of our Company’s operational, financial, misconduct and compliance audit activities |
Request/Complaint Management Information
Personal data related to the receipt and evaluation of any request or complaint addressed to Epsan
ANNEX 4 – Third Parties to whom Personal Data is Transferred by Our Company and the Purposes of Transfer
In accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the PDP Law, Epsan may transfer the personal data of the data subjects managed by this Policy to the following categories of persons:
(I) Epsan’s business partners,
(ii) Epsan’s suppliers,
(iii) Epsan’s companies,
(iv) Legally authorized public institutions and organizations
(v) Legally authorized private legal persons
The scope of the above-mentioned persons to whom the transfer is made and the purposes of data transfer are stated below.
Persons Eligible for Data Transfer | Definition | Purpose of Data Transfer |
Business Partner | It defines the parties with which Epsan establishes business partnerships for purposes such as executing various projects and receiving services while carrying out its commercial activities. | Limited to ensure the fulfillment of the purposes for which the business partnership was established |
Supplier | It defines the parties that provide goods and/or services to Epsan on a contractual basis in accordance with Epsan’s orders and instructions while carrying out its commercial activities. | Limited to ensure that the goods and/or services provided by Epsan as outsourced from the supplier and necessary to carry out its commercial activities are provided to Epsan. |
Legally Authorized Public Institutions and Organizations | Public institutions and organizations authorized to receive information and documents from Epsan in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation | Limited to the purpose requested by the relevant public institutions and organizations within the scope of their legal authority, |
Legally Authorized Private Legal Persons | Private legal persons authorized to obtain information and documents from Epsan in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation | Limited to the purpose requested by the relevant private legal persons within their legal authority. |
Social Responsibility Policy
With this policy we have established as Epsan, we emphasize the importance and priorities of corporate social responsibility principles and aim to make this understanding a part of our corporate culture to contribute to social development.
In this context, we commit to supporting all initiatives that are sensitive to economic, social, and environmental issues, create shared value for society and stakeholders, and contribute to improving the quality of life in the community.
Our social responsibility approach prioritizes people, society, and nature. Accordingly, we commit to:
- Preserving cultural values,
- Ensuring gender equality,
- Respecting individuals with different beliefs, thoughts, and perspectives,
- Protecting the environment and nature,
- Establishing a sustainable world order,
- Upholding human rights,
- Contributing to the development of healthy living and sports,
- Ensuring continuity in education and providing support.
Bribery and Corruption Policy
As Epsan, we are dedicated to upholding our business ethics, legal obligations, and social responsibilities to actively combat bribery and corruption. With this policy, our objective is to encourage integrity, openness, and equitable conduct in the business’s interactions with its employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders. In that context, our anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy is founded on the following principles:
- In our business operations, we strictly prohibit the involvement in bribery, corruption, and any form of unfair gain.
- As a business, we consistently prioritize maintaining the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical values.
- Every employee and all stakeholders are required to adhere to this policy and comply with the law.
- Our employees undergo regular training sessions on the guidelines outlined in this policy and the ethical values upheld by the business.
- Our employees have an obligation to report any instances of attempted bribery or corruption involving our customers, suppliers, or any other stakeholders.
- We routinely conduct internal audits to identify and address any unethical behavior.
- All stakeholders of the business, including suppliers and customers, pledge to adhere to the company’s zero-tolerance policy against bribery and corruption.
Sustainable Supply Chain Policy
As Epsan, our policy governing activities throughout our entire supply chain is founded on the following principles:
- We advocate for the utilization of renewable and recyclable raw materials to mitigate environmental impacts.
- We actively seek solutions to diminish waste generation throughout the entire supply chain, aiming to minimize waste through recycling or reuse.
- We consistently monitor energy consumption and endorse energy efficiency initiatives among our suppliers.
- We strive to diminish the carbon footprint associated with production and transportation processes while advocating for the adoption of sustainable energy sources.
- We uphold employee rights, ensure secure working conditions, and implement fair wage policies. We anticipate that our suppliers adhere to a comparable policy.
- We demand that our suppliers comply with sustainability standards and we engage in collaborative efforts with them.
- We make decisions with a long-term perspective, integrating business sustainability considerations into our financial decisions.
- We diversify our supplier base to ensure business continuity and achieve a competitive advantage.
- We utilize financial resources efficiently and implement continuous improvement strategies to enhance efficiency.
- We consistently communicate our sustainability goals and progress to all stakeholders involved.
- We consistently review and enhance our policies and practices.
Business Ethics and Human Rights Policy
At Epsan, our commitment in all operational endeavors is to conduct business with unwavering integrity and to furnish accurate and forthright information to all our stakeholders. We hold human rights in the highest regard and aspire to cultivate a work environment that is both respectful and dignified for every member of our workforce.
In that context, our business ethics and human rights policy is founded on the following principles:
- Adherence to Laws and Regulations: We meticulously conduct our operations, taking into consideration both local and international legal frameworks, ensuring strict compliance with all pertinent laws.
- Adherence to Honest and Equitable Practices: Our interactions in all business relationships are characterized by fairness and integrity. We steer clear of unfair competitive practices and consistently treat both suppliers and customers with impartiality.
- Mitigation of Conflicts of Interest: We exercise due diligence to prevent conflicts of interest among our employees and managerial staff in their interactions with all stakeholders.
- Ethical Conduct:We expect ethical behavior from all our employees. Our business ethics policy explicitly prohibits engagement in corruption, bribery, and other illicit activities.
- Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption: We adopt a zero-tolerance policy against bribery and corruption. We are steadfast in our commitment to not support, encourage, or tolerate any action or attempt associated with bribery and corruption. Upon identifying any instances of bribery or corruption activities, we promptly intervene, conduct investigations, and apply necessary disciplinary measures.
- Non-Discriminatory Recruitment Practices:Recruitment processes are carried out impartially, without any bias based on gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, nationality, ethnic background, marital status, religion, belief, or skin color.
- Respect for Employee Rights:Our employees are brought on board and regarded as integral members of our workforce, with a commitment to upholding human rights, ensuring both secure working environments and equitable wages. Work hours and conditions adhere to legal regulations in every country where our operations are conducted. We value the opinions of our employees and create working conditions that allow them to express their ideas freely.
- Non-Employment of Minors and Young Workers:Rigorous measures are implemented to ensure that the age of all our employees exceeds the threshold of adolescence and preschool age.
- Workplace Free from Torture, Coercion, or Ill-Treatment: All our employees will experience a secure working environment within our business and will not encounter practices such as bullying, discrimination, torture, intimidation, or mistreatment.
- Confidentiality:We commit to respecting the data privacy of our employees and all stakeholders associated with our business. We maintain the confidentiality of our employees’ personal information and adhere to the principle of not disclosing business-related information without proper authorization.
As a business, we recognize the importance of business ethics and human rights policies, and we undertake to comply with these principles.
Sustainability and Climate Change Policy
As a leading organization in its sector, Epsan commits to the environmental, social and economical sustainability principles. Our goal towards leaving a sustainable world to the generations to come is to conduct our activities by understanding the needs of today and next generations, determining our risks and opportunities in line with the legal requirements, minimizing our impacts on climate change and environment, fulfilling our responsibility against society, and supporting economical sustainability. In line with this goal, our sustainability and climate change policy is based on the following principles;
- We encourage the use of renewable resources and efficient production methods for minimizing our impact on climate change and environment.
- We aim not to harm the ecological balance in our activities by considering the protection of biodiversity.
- We minimize our impacts on both the environment and society, and focus on offering innovative and environmentally-friendly products.
- We aim to extend our product portfolio with lower carbon footprint by encouraging the use of recyclable raw materials.
- We invest in innovative technologies in order to reduce our impact on climate change and environment in our production and product design processes.
- We use water and other natural resources economically.
- We encourage minimization, if possible, reusing, and recycling of wastes at source, and dispose the wastes without harming the environment.
- We continuously monitor in-house energy consumption and support energy efficiency projects.
- We monitor our greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the impacts of global climate change and to reach net zero carbon targets.
- We aim to reduce the carbon footprint and support the use of sustainable energy resources in production and transportation processes.
- We respect the rights of our employees, and provide them with safe working conditions.
- We encourage self-development of our employees and support the business-life balance.
- We contribute to the societies in which our organization operates, and support education-based and other social responsibility projects.
- We prioritize the health, safety and well-being of our employees. We continuously conduct training and awareness programs on occupational health and safety subjects.
- We appreciate diversity of our employees and adopt the policy of zero tolerance against the acts of discrimination or injustice.
- We make social investments for contributing to the societal and local development projects.
- We strictly comply with the local and international laws on health, safety and environment.
- We monitor our suppliers’ implementations on sustainability.
- We assess our suppliers and take the sustainability criteria into consideration.
- We support the fair trade and local supply chain strategies.
- We make long-term decisions and involve sustainability of organization in our financial decisions.
- We diversify our supplier base, ensure business continuity and gain competitive advantage.
- We use our financial resources efficiently and make continuous improvements for increasing efficiency.
- We regularly monitor our sustainability performance and present the sustainability reports to our stakeholders.
- We set our sustainability targets and constantly renovate.
- We put in efforts to constantly improve, considering the in-house feedbacks and expectations of the stakeholders.
Energy Policy
As Epsan, we are committed to the following principles;
- Embracing the energy, we use in all our activities as a "national value" and ensuring its efficient use by setting targets and continuously reviewing them,
- Compliance with all applicable primary and secondary legal regulations, as well as all other legal and regulatory obligations, while adhering to company principles,
- Providing and managing all information and resources in a sustainable manner while working towards our objectives and targets,
- Considering energy consumption and efficiency in new product development and product improvement processes,
- Conducting efforts to raise energy awareness among relevant stakeholders,
- Minimizing energy consumption at its source and to utility renewable energy sources whenever possible to ensure energy supply security,
- Ensuring the efficient use of energy, raw materials, and natural resources,
- Supplying the requirements related to energy efficiency, energy use, and energy consumption, including legal and other obligations, in a sustainable manner,
- Considering the impact on energy while offering innovative solutions to meet our customers' needs in international markets,
- Managing our processes in alignment with our strategic goals through unified objectives and effective controls,
- Prioritizing and ensuring effective communication both within and outside the organization,
- Supporting our objectives and targets by procuring energy-efficient products,
- Using sustainable resources to minimize climate change and environmental impacts with an awareness of "Environmental Responsibility."
- Developing and implementing energy efficiency improvement projects,
- Promoting and encouraging activities that enhance continuous improvement, which is the fundamental culture of our organization, by effectively applying it to energy efficiency.
Code of Conduct
At EPSAN, we are committed to fostering an environment of respect, integrity, and inclusivity.
Our code of conduct outlines the principles and expectations that guide our behavior and interactions within our organization/community. Code of Conduct outlines the principles and standards of behavior expected from all individuals associated with our organization, including employees, contractors, vendors, partners and volunteers.
1 Respect and Inclusion
We treat all individuals with dignity, respect, and kindness, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or any other characteristic.
We listen actively, value diverse perspectives, and refrain from discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form.
We embrace Inclusion and strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
2 Integrity and Honesty
We act with honesty, transparency, and integrity in all our dealings and interactions.
We comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies governing employment practices, including but not limited to those related to discrimination, harassment, and labor standards.
We treat all employees and candidates with impartiality and fairness, without bias or discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other protected status.
3 Professionalism
We conduct ourselves professionally at all times, both within and outside the organization/community.
We communicate respectfully and courteously, fostering positive relationships with colleagues, partners, and stakeholders.
We maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of others.
We foster a culture of transparency and open communication, encouraging employees to voice their concerns, suggestions, and feedback without fear of retaliation.
4 Accountability
We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
We admit mistakes, learn from them, and strive to make amends when necessary.
We hold ourselves and others accountable for upholding the values and standards outlined in this code of conduct.
5 Collaboration and Teamwork
We collaborate effectively, recognizing the value of teamwork and cooperation.
We support one another, share knowledge and resources, and work towards common goals.
We resolve conflicts constructively, seeking mutually beneficial solutions.
6 Safety and Well-being
We prioritize the safety, health, and well-being of all individuals within our organization/community.
We comply with regulations local laws for occupational wellbeing.
We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards violence, threats, harassment, or any behavior that compromises the safety of others.
Non of our employees will not encounter practices such as bullying, discrimination, torture, intimidation, or mistreatment.
We provide support and resources to those in need and encourage seeking help when necessary.
7 Continuous Improvement
We strive for continuous learning and improvement, both personally and collectively.
We welcome feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticism as opportunities for growth.
We actively seek to identify areas for improvement and implement measures to enhance our organization/community.
8 Data Privacy & Protection
We respect the privacy of employee data and ensure that all personal information is collected, stored, and processed in compliance with applicable data protection laws and company policies
9 Equal Pay and Fair Compensation
We are committed to providing equal pay for equal work, ensuring that compensation decisions are based on job-related factors such as experience, skills, performance, and market competitiveness, rather than on irrelevant factors such as gender, race, or other protected characteristics.
10 Non-Employment of Minors and Young Workers
As EPSAN, we always take into consideration the importance of the young population and the contributions it will make to our future as a society and we attach importance to this situation in our working conditions. In this direction; we continue our activities in accordance with the minimum age provisions specified in the constitution, Labor Law and relevant legislation, and we do not employ child labor in our companies. As of 2024, we support this commitment by becoming a United Nations Global Compact Ten Principles Signatory.
11 Anti-Bribery
Anti-Bribery Rules is to establish a zero-tolerance policy for bribery and corruption within the organization, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and fostering a culture of integrity.
Offering and Receiving Bribes: No employee or representative shall offer, give, solicit, or accept any form of bribe, whether monetary or non-monetary, to or from any individual or entity.
Facilitation Payments: Facilitation payments are strictly prohibited. Employees must not make or authorize any facilitation payments.
Gifts and Hospitality: Gifts and hospitality must not be used as a means to influence business decisions. Any gift or hospitality exceeding a nominal value must be reported and approved by management.
Political Contributions: Contributions to political parties or candidates on behalf of the organization are prohibited unless explicitly approved by the Board of Directors and compliant with local laws.
Third Parties: Conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with third parties to ensure they comply with anti-bribery laws and standards.
Contracts: Include anti-bribery clauses in contracts with third parties, allowing for termination in the event of a violation.
12 Environment & Sustainability
As we said our Environmental policy and Sustainability & Climate change policy we are committed to preventing or mitigating the environmental impacts associated with our activities, products and services and we care;
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,
Reduction of consumption of non-renewable resources and promoting energy-saving technologies,
Waste reduction and management, Using recycled material of our products,
13 Conflict Minerals
We are committed to comply with regulations Conflict minerals (such as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold) as that come from specific regions where human rights violations and violent conflicts are occurring.
Violation of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of membership, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. We have zero tolerance for any form of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation in the workplace. All reports of misconduct will be taken seriously and investigated promptly and impartially.
By adhering to the principles and standards outlined in this code of conduct, we contribute to a positive and inclusive environment where all members and suppliers can thrive and succeed. Together, we uphold the values of EPSAN and work towards our shared goals.